#7 – Ajit Bohra on Gutenberg, Full Site Editing and React

#7 – Ajit Bohra on Gutenberg, Full Site Editing and React

Posted by WP Tavern on September 8, 2021 at 7:00 am
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About this episode. On the podcast today we have Ajit Bohra. Ajit is a keen advocate of WordPress, having used it and committed to it, for many years. He’s a full stack developer working at Lubus which is based in Mumbai, India. His team works with WordPress as well as offering solutions built with Laravel and React. He’s on the podcast today to offer up his opinions about the near future in WordPress and why he’s confident that the project is moving in the right direction. To make matters easier to digest we break up the podcast into three distinct sections. Starting off with Gutenberg we discuss where the Block Editor is at right now and what Ajit sees as the benefits of a Block based approach to content building. We go into some concrete examples of why Ajit thinks that the Block Editor is preferable to the Classic editor as well as discussing some of the projects that he’s been working on to enhance the editing experience for his team and the community. We also talk about the pace of development and whether or not it’s keeping up with the expectations of WordPress users. We then move onto a…

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