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…Full post on Dot Org Themes
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…Full post on Dot Org Themes
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unBlock is a light & bright blog theme, tailored to showcase your content with open spaces and minimalist design concepts. Boasting popular features such as a a variety of blog layouts, headers, and an abundance of theme options. We also added up to 10 colour presets that adds just the right amount of colour accents…
Upeo Grid is the awesome free version of Upeo Pro. It is really good for professionals. If you want to make a business, for big or small this theme is good for you. So if it is a restaurant, sport, medical, startup, corporate, business, ecommerce, portfolio, freelancers or any type of online agency or firm…
Creativ News is a fast, clean, and modern-looking responsive magazine WordPress theme. This theme can be applicable for news, magazine, blog, online news publishing sites, or any kind of content publishing site.
IT Simpl is a simple and versatile WordPress Theme perfect for an attractive Blog. Theme has been specifically designed to be light on the servers and provide a seamless User Experience. IT Simpl supports all the popular plugins such as Elementor, Visual Composer, Contact Form 7, WPML, One Click Demo Import and many others. The…
Fully compatible with the site editor, Riker is a full site editing block theme with an array of style variations, patterns, block styles and fonts, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases such as business, ecommerce, news, blogging and personal sites.
As the world grows, Numbers of people are becoming conscious of our environment. Green businesses are growing, and there are plenty of opportunities for those looking to make a living in this area. Green Farm Elementor is an effective theme that allows you to design beautiful and user-friendly websites. It is ideal for businesses who…