Community Team Meeting Agenda 7 Apr 2022
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…Full post on Dot Org Community
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Few weeks ago, @kcristiano, @angelasjin and I began discussing our Community Team meetings, and how they could improve to foster more discussions and connections. The Current Challenge In short, we believe that there are too many meetings taking place at the moment and the format of those meetings are not catering to the Community Team…
Este ensayo también está disponible en español. This is not meant to be another gloomy story about the year 2020 but a big thank you to the WordPress community. All started four days into 2020 when my biggest client called me to ask to take his website down as he was filing for bankruptcy. I… websites have had the Tagregator plugin available and enabled for ten years. The plugin allowed organisers to pull content from various social media networks onto their pages. Recently, many social media networks have introduced breaking changes in their APIs. Some have even made API access nearly impossible at our scale. At the same time,…
Inaugural WordCamp Jinja 2022 attendees in the Computer Lab at Jinja College School on 2nd Sept 2022. At the heart of every revolution lies a spark that ignites the collective spirit, driving the wheels of change and inspiring the future. In the realm of WordPress, this spark is the passion for innovation, collaboration, and creativity….
X-comment from Comment on WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program: Pilot Program Proposal
Here is Donna reading her own story aloud. At the age of 62, I finally feel like I’ve found success, and I hope I wear it well. It doesn’t wrap me in the look I’d imagined, however. It feels like quality material, sure, but not ostentatious or high-falutin’ or fancy-pants. (Well, maybe there’s the occasional…