December Update: Global Meetup Reactivation Project
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Last fall @adityakane brought us a question about how meetups can share useful events with their communities without posting them as meetup events. With his continued help, and the help of many other Community team members, a page was created last fall, but then set aside due to other projects. Fortunately, someone else asked a…
Like all great communities, the strength of the WordPress community is the incredible people who participate and also bring their unique perspectives and ideas to the project. As the NextGen Event Project rolls along, we have put together some creative concepts and ideas powered by your fellow WordPress enthusiasts. These concepts are all ready for…
In October and November 2022, the #WPDiversity group held an Inclusion workshop and follow-up coaching session, and a full-day in person women speakers event in San José, Costa Rica. Organizing Diverse & Inclusive WordPress Events Organizing Diverse & Inclusive WordPress Events Workshop, October 13, 2022 We held a watch party workshop to help Meetup…
2021年12月11日到12日,台灣即將迎來一場全新的里程碑 WordCamp,一場更新、更好、更多花火的的國際級綜合研討會,這次台灣選擇在線上相聚與大家相聚,並且將 WordCamp 的地域,從原先的台北 (Taipei) 提升到台灣 (Taiwan)。 疫情雖然中斷了實體交流,卻也開啟了另一扇大門,今年我們計畫從線下轉成線上,從城市升級為全國,無論我們人在哪裡,我們依舊可以相聚,在這場活動中我們將一起學習、交換意見、分享點子,從北到南、,從本島到外島都要一起來參與這場為愛而生的熱鬧慶典,距離從不該是問題與阻攔。 2019年12月,在台北舉辦的 WordCamp Taipei 2019,聚集來自全超過550位的參與者,包含贊助商、講師、志工與所有喜歡 WordPress 的朋友們。在這場活動中,分散於各地的朋友們因為對 WordPress 的愛而齊聚一堂,在會場一起分享交流WordPress的經驗。 延續2018跟2019的經驗,這次我們計劃了許多豐富多元的議程,要讓夥伴們在兩天活動中吸收到不同面向的資訊,也規劃了熱鬧且有趣的交流活動,要讓大家宅在家參加活動也能感受到實體活動的瘋狂。 WordCamp Taiwan 2021 將要把所有熱愛 WordPress 的夥伴齊聚一堂,疫情只能拉開我們身體距離,拉不開的是我們對於知識、經驗、程式碼分享的距離,這次 WordPress 台灣社群將合力讓「WordCamp 相聚,無所畏『距』」。 English Version On December 11-12, 2021, in Taiwan, we will celebrate the new milestone of WordCamp, which will be a more comprehensive and dynamic international conference for WordPress lovers….
I’m about to take a deep dive into what it took to deliver the first WordFest Live 2021. I’ll get technical, practical, as well as personal. I hope to impart some of our gained knowledge and experience, as we took on the challenge of building a virtual event from scratch for 2,000+ attendees. Where we…
यो लेख नेपाली भाषामा पनि उपलब्ध छ। Hello world! “Always be thankful for what you have, many people have nothing!” – Buddha Yes, I’m immensely grateful to be writing this essay! I’m fortunate to have had the education that gave me the capacity to aspire, get into a WordPress job, meet people from around the…