New Handbook Page: Sharing External Events with Your Meetup
…Full post on Dot Org Community
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…Full post on Dot Org Community
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O WordCamp Floripa 2021 é o maior encontro da comunidade WordPress de Santa Catarina. O evento terá dois dias de palestras, todas ao final do dia para você conseguir aproveitar ao máximo e não perder nada. 11/08/2021 (QUARTA) das 19h às 22h. 12/08/2021 (QUINTA) das 19h às 22h. Dois dias intensos para compartilhar conhecimento e…
X-comment from Comment on Day 1: #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks
I have been told that I can post here to start a discussion about it, so here it is For years, I found it annoying that we have a Twitter field in the WordCamp ticket form for attendees (and in the sponsor entry). Why Twitter? and especially why Twitter only? With the recent events happening…
If there’s a question you’d like to see answered or a topic you’d like to see discussed, please share it in the comments or email with the subject line “Tuesday Trainings”. Now onto this week’s topic! Promoting your WordPress meetup and getting enough attendance might look more challenging at this moment because of COVID-19,…
X-comment from Comment on Blue Note: The second community theme is released
Here is Donna reading her own story aloud. At the age of 62, I finally feel like I’ve found success, and I hope I wear it well. It doesn’t wrap me in the look I’d imagined, however. It feels like quality material, sure, but not ostentatious or high-falutin’ or fancy-pants. (Well, maybe there’s the occasional…