With WordPress Another Life Is Possible – Con WordPress otra vida es posible
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In attendance: @adityakane @nao @oglekler @yoga1103 @leonnugraha @mikeschroder @st810amaze @onealtr @carl-alberto @tobifjellner @kcristiano @javiercasares @webtechpooja @sz786 @meher @webcommsat @courane01 @jeffpaul @sereedmedia @cbringmann @angelasjin @juliarosia @askdesign @wolfpaw @nomadskateboarding @dpknauss @harishanker Notes: @nomadskateboarding @harishanker Agenda: https://make.wordpress.org/community/2023/03/20/contributor-working-group-mentorship-kick-off-chat-agenda-march-20th-1200-utc-emea-and-2100-utc-amer/ Meeting Start EMEA: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1679313673369819 AMER: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1679346070134409 Clarifying Group Responsibilities At the chat, it was clarified that the exclusive focus of the…
Attending: @jillbinder @onealtr @tantienhime @katiejrichards @ashiquzzaman @sparklingrobots Start: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1624467554334000 We talked about: How @onealtr’s workshop in May went @volkswagenchick‘s workshop coming up next week (info and signup) An interactive watch party from me in July or August And 5 threads for questions about on-boarding and developing volunteers for our upcoming, expanded programs: If you were to…
Hello, organizers! Welcome to the new format we are trying out for the Monthly Meetup Newsletter. Our goal with this new format is to continue to provide useful information to support your meetup, simply in a new way. This Month in WordPress As usual, WordPress.org was busy in April. The first release candidate (RC1) for…
How do you feel about your routine? Do the days, weeks and months slip by without any sense of progress or accomplishment? Does it seem like every day is a struggle to get through? Does it sometimes feel like life is passing you by while all you can do is watch helplessly from the sidelines?…
X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/updates: Comment on What’s new on LearnWP in July 2022
In attendance: @adityakane @oglekler @yoga1103 @mikeschroder @st810amaze @onealtr @tobifjellner @javiercasares @courane01 @sereedmedia @juliarosia @annekatzeff @nomadskateboarding @harishanker@@unintended8 @sandesh055 @askdesign @jominney @leonnugraha @tacoverdo @patricia70 @webtechpooja @francina @Rico F. Lüthi @tobifjellner Notes: @harishanker Agenda: https://make.wordpress.org/community/2023/05/15/contributor-working-group-mentorship-chat-agenda-may-18th-0700-utc-apac-emea-and-1600-utc-amer/ Meeting Start EMEA: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1684393200684229 AMER: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1684425602571269 Mentorship Program Pilot Based on discussions from past chats, the working group identified a pilot program for our…