2022 Global Sponsorship Working Group
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…Full post on Dot Org Community
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As comunidades de WordPress de Galicia reuniranse para a primeira WordCamp rexional en liña. Pronto volveremos ter reunións presenciais e queremos que coñezas os grupos locais, que facemos e como nos axudamos. Seguro que tes unha meetup de WordPress preto de ti. En breve, teredes máis información sobre datas, relatores, conferencias e todo o referente…
Background In May 2023, the WordPress Community Team embarked on an ambitious journey with the “Next Generation WordPress Events” pilot project. Our goal was to explore innovative event formats beyond the traditional WordCamp or meetup, bringing fresh experiences to our community and attracting new audiences to attend WordPress events. Throughout the latter half of 2023,…
If you’ve been to WordCamp Europe or US before you’ll be familiar with the Get Involved table or Community Booth – it’s a central location where attendees can find out more information about contributing to WordPress. If you are passionate about telling people how they can get involved in various teams of Making WordPress, you…
X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/meta: Comment on Proposal: Make WordPress Team or Project Updates
Attendance: @patricia70, @peiraisotta, @flopez1977, @devmuhib, @hellosatya,@krupajnanda, @vivamundo, @harmonyromo, @adityakane, @samsuresh, @courtneypk, @_dorsvenabili, @mauteri, @angelasjin, @alexcu21, @unintended8 Notes: This recap is a summary of the Community Team monthly meeting. It will cover the discussion points, ideas, and decisions that came up during the meeting. The aim of this recap is to provide a quick overview for…
In October and November 2022, the #WPDiversity group held an Inclusion workshop and follow-up coaching session, and a full-day in person women speakers event in San José, Costa Rica. Organizing Diverse & Inclusive WordPress Events Organizing Diverse & Inclusive WordPress Events Workshop, October 13, 2022 We held a watch party workshop to help Meetup…