Organize a State of the Word Watch Party for your WordPress Meetup
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…Full post on Dot Org Community
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Thank you for joining us for another year of contributing to the WordPress open source project! Meetups are the heart of this project, and your willingness to host one is invaluable. Thank you for all you do to make meetups a reality in your part of the world. A particular Community Team focus this year…
If there’s a question you’d like to see answered, or a topic you’d like to see discussed, please share it in the comments or email with the subject line “Tuesday Trainings”. Now onto this week’s topic! Previously, we learned all about Community Deputies and what they do, which includes mentoring WordCamps. But what exactly…
Attending: @jillbinder, @juliarosia, @katiejrichards, @onealtr, @santanainniss, @sc0ttkclark, @volkswagenchick Facilitator: @jillbinder Start: Summary 1 Attendance and check-ins (everyone)2 First time here3 Comments, questions, ideas (anyone)4 Marketing (@santanainniss) @santanainniss shared the good results from marketing the Inclusion workshop and impact quotes. 5 Workshops (Speaker and Inclusion) (@jillbinder) Reported great results from India Women Speakers workshop Reported results from Inclusion workshop in…
Attending: @jillbinder, @evarlese, @katiejrichards, @juliarosia, @mysweetcate, @onealtr, @volkswagenchick, @wpfangirl, @kcrockett, @patriciabt, @jasonnickerson Start: Summary Updates on what you’re working on @onealtr: For the workshop tomorrow, I just need access to the new slides @katiejrichards: I’m about halfway through summarizing the blog post describing the 3 WPDiversity programs for the volunteer kit Encouraging people to…
The first-ever WordCamp in Tegal is adopting the NextGen Event format. The main focus of this WordCamp is a 1-day “Scale Up” workshop aimed at enhancing participants’ WordPress skills for the enterprise world. We are expecting around 50 local WordPress enthusiasts to join the workshop and learn from four experienced WordPress experts who will serve… – My Journey as an Engineer with WordPress – エンジニアとしての WordPress の旅 Aki Hamano is from Tokyo, Japan. Several years ago he found a flaw in Gutenberg and submitted a patch for just four characters. Now he is a Gutenberg Core Contributor. I was so excited to imagine that the code I had written,…