Comments in Figma Good Enough? #wordpress #figma #design #ui #ux

Comments in Figma Good Enough? #wordpress #figma #design #ui #ux

Posted by WP Watercooler on October 18, 2023 at 2:25 pm
In this podcast excerpt, the discussion revolves around the use of Figma for making comments on design iterations. The participants mention that Figma is a popular tool for design, and it allows for commenting in multiple spots, similar to how you can add comments to specific areas in Google Docs. They found it useful for iterating and collaborating on design work, particularly mentioning its application in designing the about page header. Overall, Figma seems to

WP Watercooler

Each week our host Jason Tucker and Friends discuss WordPress and how it changes our businesses and our lives. This is a lighthearted show, where education is an accidental byproduct of the entertainment