EP182 - Technical Dependencies and Marketing in WordPress with Devin Walker - Smart Marketing Show

EP182 – Technical Dependencies and Marketing in WordPress with Devin Walker – Smart Marketing Show

Posted by WP Watercooler on January 15, 2021 at 10:06 pm
What do technical dependencies have to do with marketing in WordPress? Everything. Technical debt is a thing — almost worse than student debt. But hey, you got that bachelor’s degree, right? This week, Jason and Bridget are joined by Devin Walker, the CEO, and co-founder of GiveWP.com. We’ll have a discussion on how your dependency choices can affect your user experience. And that’s marketing, baby! Panel Jason Tucker @jasontucker Bridget Willard @bridgetmwillard Devin Walker @innerwebs

WP Watercooler

Each week our host Jason Tucker and Friends discuss WordPress and how it changes our businesses and our lives. This is a lighthearted show, where education is an accidental byproduct of the entertainment