EP29 - Breaking Changes: WordPress 6.3 Drops PHP5

EP29 – Breaking Changes: WordPress 6.3 Drops PHP5

Posted by WP Watercooler on August 29, 2023 at 9:55 am
On this episode we’ll be discussing the significant changes WordPress is introducing with its 6.3 release. The era of PHP5 support is coming to an end, marking a new phase in WordPress’ development. We’ll discuss how this shift from PHP5 to a minimum PHP7 support will impact both the end-users and the WordPress ecosystem at large. We’ll discuss implications for those still using PHP5, and the benefits of the change, including reduced memory usage and

WP Watercooler

Each week our host Jason Tucker and Friends discuss WordPress and how it changes our businesses and our lives. This is a lighthearted show, where education is an accidental byproduct of the entertainment