EP30 - Block and Awesome - Dev Branch

EP30 – Block and Awesome – Dev Branch

Posted by WP Watercooler on August 28, 2023 at 9:32 am
In this episode of DevBranch, the roundtable, including Jason Tucker, Jason Cosper, Sé Reed, and Jos Velasco, discusses the complexities of development and design within the WordPress environment. They touch on the abstract nature of clicking through settings, comparing it to a “Fisher Price control panel,” and discuss the simplification of design components, likening it to the “Canva of websites.” They debate the accessibility of design controls for non-developers and how these changes may concern

WP Watercooler

Each week our host Jason Tucker and Friends discuss WordPress and how it changes our businesses and our lives. This is a lighthearted show, where education is an accidental byproduct of the entertainment