EP457 - A Reusable Block By Any Other Name - WPwatercooler

EP457 – A Reusable Block By Any Other Name – WPwatercooler

Posted by WP Watercooler on August 29, 2023 at 4:03 pm
This week on WPwatercooler we’re discussing the reusable block being renamed to Patterns. These patterns have sync and non-sync options allowing for them to be reusable in their state or to have their state synced between the other instances that are being synced. As WordPress matures and adds new features WP community is looking to do some consolidation and also thinking ahead of how these names of things are used. Going back to the block

WP Watercooler

Each week our host Jason Tucker and Friends discuss WordPress and how it changes our businesses and our lives. This is a lighthearted show, where education is an accidental byproduct of the entertainment