Real-Time Collaboration Is Coming to WordPress

Real-Time Collaboration Is Coming to WordPress

Posted by WP Tavern on March 27, 2023 at 6:36 pm
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Gutenberg Phase 3 is officially in the planning stage, as the Site Editor is set to exit the beta in 6.2 and the major tasks of Phase 2 are nearing completion. Gutenberg lead architect Matias Ventura published a preliminary outline of what is planned to be included in the next “Collaboration” phase of the project. Real-time collaboration is at the top of the list, the likes of which users have previously experienced in apps like Google Docs. “Imagine being able to work together in real-time across all block editors, crafting content and designs seamlessly without being locked out of editing,” Ventura said. “The goal is to provide all the necessary infrastructure and UI to handle multiple users working together on the same content simultaneously, making it easier to create, edit, and customize web pages and posts as a team.” In a recent episode of the WP Briefing podcast, WordPress core contributor HĂ©ctor Prieto said he predicts this feature will take the most work. “I would say, in general, the real-time collaboration sounds the most technically challenging because of what it represents and all the changes needed to how we interact with WordPress from async to sync, basically,” Prieto said. “That would be…

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