WP Tavern

WordPress Tavern is a site focused on all things WordPress. We also cover BuddyPress, bbPress, and any project under the Automattic umbrella. WordPress Tavern is a warm and inviting community where those interested in the software can hang out with fellow WordPressers to engage in enlightening discussions.

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Ask the Bartender: Is It OK To Provide WordPress Admin Credentials to Plugin Support Staff?
No. Nada. Nah. Nope. That’s a negative. Under no circumstances. My mama didn’t raise no fool. Heck naw. Not on your life….
Toolbelt Tidies WordPress Plugin and Theme Admin Notifications
It’s a tale as old as, well, WordPress. Ben Gillbanks noticed a conversation where someone thought that admin notices were getting out…
Wordfence Now Authorized as a CVE Numbering Authority
Wordfence has been authorized by the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE®) Program as a CNA (CVE Numbering Authority), which allows the company…