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Here is Justin’s story read aloud by artificial intelligence. This month marks the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacked on the World Trade Center in the United States. I can still remember exactly where I was that morning, as I had an argument with my girlfriend the night before, and was sleeping on the couch…
Here is Lesley reading her own story aloud. Why I believe open source is the best and worst thing about WordPress. When I first discovered WordPress in 2016, it was merely a tool for me. It was the cheapest and most flexible way to get a website started for my fledgling explainer video business, so…
Background In May 2023, the WordPress Community Team embarked on an ambitious journey with the “Next Generation WordPress Events” pilot project. Our goal was to explore innovative event formats beyond the traditional WordCamp or meetup, bringing fresh experiences to our community and attracting new audiences to attend WordPress events. Throughout the latter half of 2023,…
In attendance: @adityakane, @coachbirgit, @gusa, @harishanker, @kafleg, @leogopal, @matteoenna, @mayukojpn, @mikeschroder, @nao, @ninianepress, @oglekler, @onealtr, @patricia70, @sereedmedia, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103 Notes: @nao Agenda: https://make.wordpress.org/community/2023/09/19/contributor-working-group-mentorship-chat-agenda-september-21st-0700-utc-apac-emea-and-1600-utc-amer/ Meeting Start APAC/EMEA: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1695279617297589AMER: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1695312003171489 Summary Based on the conversation, here are some takeaways from the meetings: We should try doing the next cohort alongside 6.5 The next cohort size…
We hope that you have been enjoying the Tuesday Trainings series, and that you have learned some new things along the way! Tuesday Trainings has been a great and informative series, but it has been brought up recently that the weekly cadence might be too much for the team, at least at this point in…
Attending: @askdesign, @javiercasares, @jillbinder, @juliarosia, @katiejrichards, @kcrockett, @martatorre, @onealtr, @santanainniss, @sc0ttkclark, @webcommsat Host: @jillbinder Start: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1677088827008949 Summary 1 – Attendance and check-ins (everyone) 2 – First time here 3 – Workshops (@jillbinder) Upcoming: March 1, 2023: Speaker workshops for Americas/Europe. We have a few speaker mentors and we are looking for more. March 16, 2023: Organizing Inclusive and Welcoming…