WooCommerce sponsors WordPress community events across the globe
…Full post on WordCamp Central
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…Full post on WordCamp Central
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Deputies that have participated in this post: @_dorsvenabili, @angelasjin, @kcristiano, @sippis, @adityakane, @nao, @monchomad, @mpc, @sunsand187, @andreamiddleton Thank you to everyone who has participated in our many conversations about in-person events. Your input has helped to make the current guidelines for organizing in-person meetups. This post is a proposal to discuss how the WordPress community…
Background The WordPress annual meetup surveys were open for responses from August 2 through October 15, 2022. The following Make Community posts relate to the survey creation and distribution: Call for feedback on survey questions (May 20, 2022) Call for Translators (June 24, 2022) Survey announcement (August 2, 2022) Survey closing announcement (September 27, 2022)…
It’s time for the next Mentorship chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group. We’re meeting this Thursday (December 21st) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats. Meeting times We will hold these chats…
In recent weeks, WordPress meetup organizers expressed their disappointment in Meetup.com’s new accessibility overlay, and brought this to the attention of the Community Team. Since then, @peiraisotta and I met with Meetup’s Director of Engineering, their Head of Customer Success, and their GM of Meetup Pro. Meetup.com was very receptive to our feedback, and they…
Table of Contents Updated Expectations, Requirements, Etc. for Our Contributor Roles Mentor Roles Mentor Tasks @devinmaeztri and I have been working on ways to make our current mentor program more flexible and inclusive, and here is our proposal. The goal is to define the information around existing and new roles so contributors know what to…
My name is Jan, I am a Toolset developer at OnTheGoSystems. For the past several years, I have been actively involved in the Czech WordPress community. On Saturday 27th of February 2021, we held an online conference WordCamp Prague 2021. Switching an interactive, in-person event to the online format while keeping most of its magic…