WordCamp Malaysia 2023 is Looking for Speakers and Sponsors
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As 2021 is slowly coming to an end (can you believe it?) it is time to start thinking about the Community Team’s goals for 2022. While 2021 felt like a continuation of 2020, we did see some exciting changes on the horizon, especially as we paved way for the return of in-person WordPress meetups, WordCamps,…
Attending: @askdesign, @javiercasares, @jillbinder, @juliarosia, @katiejrichards, @kcrockett, @martatorre, @onealtr, @santanainniss, @sc0ttkclark, @webcommsat Host: @jillbinder Start: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1677088827008949 Summary 1 – Attendance and check-ins (everyone) 2 – First time here 3 – Workshops (@jillbinder) Upcoming: March 1, 2023: Speaker workshops for Americas/Europe. We have a few speaker mentors and we are looking for more. March 16, 2023: Organizing Inclusive and Welcoming…
Attending: @jillbinder, @evarlese, @katiejrichards, @juliarosia, @mysweetcate, @onealtr, @volkswagenchick, @wpfangirl, @kcrockett, @patriciabt, @jasonnickerson Start: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1644426068333249 Summary Updates on what you’re working on @onealtr: For the workshop tomorrow, I just need access to the new slides @katiejrichards: I’m about halfway through summarizing the blog post describing the 3 WPDiversity programs for the volunteer kit Encouraging people to…
यो लेख नेपाली भाषामा पनि उपलब्ध छ। Writing this essay brings me immense joy! I am from a remote corner of Nepal, where a unique culture emerged, the tradition of taking computer classes after completing SLC. It was a time when nearly 2-5% of students embraced this opportunity. I also joined them in the excitement…
X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/docs: Comment on Call for volunteers to help with 6.4 end-user documentation
We are happy to say that WordCamp São Paulo turns 10 in 2021! It will be completely online and free, and will feature lectures and workshops. Dates: November 27, 2021 – November 27, 2021 Location: São Paulo, SP, Brazil Website: https://saopaulo.wordcamp.org/2021/