Screenshot of the Frost WordPress theme. It has a hero/intro area, followed by three boxes and a media + text section.

WP Engine Acquires Brian Gardner’s Frost, Opens It to the Public

Posted by WP Tavern on December 23, 2021 at 8:15 am
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Brian Gardner announced today that WP Engine has acquired his latest project, Frost. In an email sent out to all customers, Gardner said his team had issued refunds to all current customers. The business model is changing, and Frost will be a freely-available project going forward and focus on full site editing. Frost is a WordPress theme that Gardner released earlier this year as the main product of a new startup business. The original version was shipped as a child theme of Genesis, the StudioPress theme framework he had spent much of his WordPress career working on. WP Engine acquired StudioPress in 2018, and Gardner stepped down from his role in October 2019. It did not take him long to find his way back into the WordPress theme development game, bringing his personal style back to the theming world with Frost. Then, he landed a new job within WP Engine’s ranks in September. “I am leading the WordPress Developer Relations team at WP Engine,” he said. “We have a simple mission: Accelerate innovation in WordPress and help the community transition to the block editor and Full Site Editing (nĂ© Gutenberg). In addition, we want to cultivate an interactive and immersive…

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