How Customer Sentiment Analysis Improves the Customer Experience

How Customer Sentiment Analysis Improves the Customer Experience

Posted by Torque Mag on February 9, 2022 at 10:14 am
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Have you ever read a positive or negative comment about your brand and wondered why customers felt the way they did?  By capturing subjective information, you can gain insight into how customers feel about you and use that information to improve their experience.  This process is called customer sentiment analysis.  Let’s look at customer sentiment analysis and how brands use it to improve customer experience.  What is customer sentiment analysis?  Customer sentiment analysis is an automated process. It analyzes conversational English in online communications to see how customers feel about a brand, service, or product.  By analyzing customer social media posts, online tickets, chatbot conversations, and feedback forms, brands can see how a customer feels and what issues they’re facing. Customer sentiment analysis is a great example of business process automation, as it works by reading and categorizing customer data in tickets so it can be routed to the appropriate channels. By using something called Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a series of algorithms, sentiment analysis detects patterns in text and automatically classifies opinions as neutral, negative, or positive.  Customer sentiment analysis is essential for services that rely on an emotional factor, like buying a gift for a godchild. In…

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