2021: The Year of Opportunity

2021: The Year of Opportunity

Posted by How I Built It on April 29, 2023 at 4:37 am
One of my favorite things to do at the end of each year is plan my Yearly Theme. It’s becoming a bit of a tradition and I’ve even got my wife in on the action this year. I find it’s better to have a guiding set of principles than a number of promises I may or may not1complete. 2020 caused many people to change how they do things, and I was no different. that’s why

How I Built It

Actionable Tech Tips for Small Business Owners. On How I Built It, Joe Casabona interviews tech savvy small business owners on how they built their products, services, and processes, from idea to execution. On top of important insight into their successes and failures, you'll get actionable advice to leverage tech and help your business grow.