Tools Check-in: What am I using so far in 2024?

Tools Check-in: What am I using so far in 2024?

Posted by How I Built It on March 25, 2024 at 1:58 am
My grandfather came to the United States from Italy in 1949 and worked in New York City for much of his life — primarily in construction. For as long as I can remember, he had this big, metal toolbox. And when he passed away, he gave it to me, and I still have and use it to this day.Pop had that toolbox for decades. When he found something that worked for him, he held on

How I Built It

Actionable Tech Tips for Small Business Owners. On How I Built It, Joe Casabona interviews tech savvy small business owners on how they built their products, services, and processes, from idea to execution. On top of important insight into their successes and failures, you'll get actionable advice to leverage tech and help your business grow.