Why You Need to be on LinkedIn if You're a Creator with Kathleen Celmins

Why You Need to be on LinkedIn if You're a Creator with Kathleen Celmins

Posted by How I Built It on August 28, 2023 at 2:36 am
If you think about social networks as people, LinkedIn is TikTok’s dorky older, more professional sister…that the younger, more hip sister needs to borrow money from. That’s how Kathleen Celmins sees it, and she’s very effective at selling on LinkedIn. In fact, she says that if you’re just trying to grow your follower count on LinkedIn, you’re doing it wrong. Instead, it’s all about the connections. How do you convert those connections into clients? That’s

How I Built It

Actionable Tech Tips for Small Business Owners. On How I Built It, Joe Casabona interviews tech savvy small business owners on how they built their products, services, and processes, from idea to execution. On top of important insight into their successes and failures, you'll get actionable advice to leverage tech and help your business grow.