Why Your Business NEEDS Financial Planning to Succeed with Kathy Svetina

Why Your Business NEEDS Financial Planning to Succeed with Kathy Svetina

Posted by How I Built It on April 25, 2023 at 4:03 am
When just starting your business, it feels like the only financial question you’re asking is, “How can I make enough money to stay afloat?” And while that is a SUPER important question, it’s not the only question. In fact, today’s guest, Kathy Svetina, gives us several questions we should ask ourselves to better answer the question, “How can I make enough money?” Her financial security framework is one every business owner, from freelancer to agency

How I Built It

Actionable Tech Tips for Small Business Owners. On How I Built It, Joe Casabona interviews tech savvy small business owners on how they built their products, services, and processes, from idea to execution. On top of important insight into their successes and failures, you'll get actionable advice to leverage tech and help your business grow.