Tuesday Trainings: How do I contribute to WordPress? Part 3

Tuesday Trainings: What is the WordCamp Mentorship program and how does it work?

Posted by Dot Org Community on August 31, 2021 at 1:00 am
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If there’s a question you’d like to see answered, or a topic you’d like to see discussed, please share it in the comments or email support@wordcamp.org with the subject line “Tuesday Trainings”. Now onto this week’s topic! Previously, we learned all about Community Deputies and what they do, which includes mentoring WordCamps. But what exactly is the WordCamp mentorship program, and how does it work? What is the WordCamp mentorship program? The WordCamp mentorship program helps make WordCamps easier to plan for organizers, and better for attendees! This is done by providing peer support to folks actively organizing a WordCamp. Who are the WordCamp Mentors? WordCamp mentors are Community team deputies who are also experienced WordCamp organizers. You can see the current roster of mentors on the Community Deputies page. What do WordCamp Mentors do? WordCamp mentors support other organizers as they plan their WordCamp! Their involvement should be advising on procedure and sharing of knowledge based on the mentor’s history organizing WordCamps. Note that mentors are not on the WordCamp’s organizing team, so they shouldn’t be doing any actual organizing tasks. Mentors help a lead organizer keep their team on schedule by checking in every month during the pre-planning…

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