WP Tavern

WordPress Tavern is a site focused on all things WordPress. We also cover BuddyPress, bbPress, and any project under the Automattic umbrella. WordPress Tavern is a warm and inviting community where those interested in the software can hang out with fellow WordPressers to engage in enlightening discussions.

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iThemes Patches Vulnerability in BackupBuddy, Wordfence Tracks 5 Million Exploit Attempts
BackupBuddy, a commercial plugin from iThemes that performs scheduled backups with remote storage options, has patched a vulnerability that allowed for arbitrary…
Looking Ahead to WordPress 6.0: The Early Roadmap
WordPress’ Security Team announced it will be dropping support for versions 3.7 through 4.0 on December 1, 2022. To give some context…
Gutenberg Contributors Make Progress on Distraction Free Mode
During last week’s Editor chat meeting, Automattic-sponsored Gutenberg contributor Andrei Draganescu reported that he is “slowly but definitely going to introduce distraction free…
Gutenberg 13.9 Adds New Shortcut to Wrap Selected Text in Quotes
Wouldn’t it be convenient to select a sentence or paragraph and instantly wrap it with quotes by tapping on the quote key?…
Jetpack Performance Team Takes Over WP Super Cache Development
WP Super Cache, one of the oldest and most widely used static caching plugins for WordPress, is changing hands. After 15 years,…
#41 – Laura Nelson on How To Create a Profitable Newsletter
On the podcast today, we have Laura Nelson. Laura is a Content Marketer at WooCommerce where she’s responsible for creating and planning…
WP-Optimize Plugin Accused of Cheating PageSpeed and Other Performance Testing Tools
Yesterday, we published allegations from Gijo Varghese against UpdraftPlus, the makers of WP-Optimize. Varghese is founder of FlyingProxy, a competing company, and…
WP-Optimize Plugin Accused of Cheating PageSpeed and Other Performance Testing Tools
Gijo Varghese, a developer who calls himself a “web performance enthusiast,” shocked WordPress users around the world over the weekend when he…
Catch Themes Releases Pentatonic: A New Block Theme for Bands and Musicians
Block themes are expanding to include more niches beyond the simple one-column blogging themes, and Catch Themes is one of the companies…
James Koster Shares Design Explorations that Transform WordPress’ Site Editor Into a More Visual, User-Friendly Tool
Automattic-sponsored designer James Koster has a vision for taking WordPress’ Site Editor from its beta awkwardness and transforming it to become a…